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117354 Results
    #118738 - Report Abuse Helen Smith - 2024-05-17 18:05:04
    United Kingdom

    We should be entitled to make uncensored choices where our health is concerned.

    #118737 - Report Abuse Sue Lawson - 2024-02-08 10:30:20
    United Kingdom

    We are desperate for natural cures, which do not damage but work with the bodies own immunity.

    #118736 - Report Abuse Janet Vernon - 2023-12-26 09:02:44
    United Kingdom

    I do not wish to live in an authoritarian world governed by greedy elites and big pharma. Those of us with ample common sense wish to be able to access natural products to implement our health naturally.

    #118735 - Report Abuse Ann Wolger - 2023-10-24 15:57:12
    United Kingdom

    #118734 - Report Abuse Beverley Parke - 2023-10-20 01:25:58
    United Kingdom

    #118733 - Report Abuse ruth Steeds - 2023-10-20 01:20:50
    United Kingdom

    I to not consent to being told what to do and others dictating what is in MY best interests. As a Sovereign being I have a God given right to CHOOSE. I HAVE FREE WILL. I choose what is best for me. NO one or THING Rules over me. No one or things controls me. I AM FREE !!!

    #118732 - Report Abuse joni foster - 2023-10-07 14:07:09
    South Africa

    I am a sovereign being and know my rights and the truth.. time for all to come together and stop the global reset.

    #118731 - Report Abuse Janet Boydell - 2023-09-24 15:02:05
    United Kingdom

    #118730 - Report Abuse Clive - 2023-09-13 07:16:33
    United Kingdom

    I want to be in solidarity with the universal laws of the most high divine and make sure all people are informed of th truth!

    #118729 - Report Abuse pat nightingale - 2023-06-28 09:57:34
    United Kingdom

    I wish to lead a happy healthy and free life. All of these things will not be possible under current regulations. Time for change.