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117355 Results
    #330 - Report Abuse Jane Fielding - 2010-05-06 09:10:59
    United Kingdom

    I feel that as individuals we have the right of freedom of choice and should not be dictated to by the government of this county what supplements we choose to take and what source we obtain them from. To take away that choice is against Human Rights!

    #329 - Report Abuse Jane Wakefield - 2010-05-06 08:45:57
    United Kingdom

    #328 - Report Abuse Valerie Harmsworth - 2010-05-06 08:01:44
    United Kingdom

    I object to the EU's dictatorship trying to regulate the use of complimentary and alternative treatments to improve our health. The UK is supposed to be a democratic country, but by restricting our choice of alternative healthcare and forcing us to use synthetic, expensive and sometimes dangerous drugs, we have lost our freedom of choice. This is once again legislation through the back door.

    #327 - Report Abuse Elaine Miller - 2010-05-06 07:41:32
    United Kingdom

    I have free choice to pollute my body with drugs, alcohol and cigarettes but you are stopping my free choice to choose good health and healthy living. People have fought and died to make this a free country and you are removing my right to make my own decisions. I choose health and do not wish to become a criminal because you are attempting to prevent my free choice. I was one of the silent majority, not any more!

    #326 - Report Abuse Ansine - 2010-05-06 18:42:21
    United Kingdom

    #325 - Report Abuse Ana Cavill - 2010-05-06 18:41:58
    United Kingdom

    #324 - Report Abuse Monica Myrie - 2010-05-06 18:29:19
    United Kingdom

    Why legislate God-given natural remedies for the sake of making money on man made poison?

    #323 - Report Abuse Hilary Starke - 2010-05-06 18:11:27
    United Kingdom

    #322 - Report Abuse Peter Harmsworth - 2010-05-06 17:03:39
    United Kingdom

    Why should the EU have the right to to tell us what we can and can't take to relieve pain and illnesses, it is afterall, our choice to help ourselves to the treatment which gives the best results.

    #321 - Report Abuse Peter Harmsworth - 2010-05-06 17:02:38
    United Kingdom

    Why should the EU have the right to to tell us what we can and can't take to relieve pain and illnesses, it is afterall, our choice to help ourselves to the treatment which gives the best results.