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117355 Results
    #170 - Report Abuse Patricia Hales - 2010-05-04 18:46:33
    United Kingdom

    Protect the democracy of our country by allowing freedom to make choices. Protect the health and welfare of ourselves and our children by giving us the rights and freedom to make our own educated decisions and NOT what the EU decides for us. Are we a free country?

    #169 - Report Abuse Frances Lulham - 2010-05-04 18:44:06
    United Kingdom

    Not only do we have the right to take supliments, if we feel that they iprove our lives, sometimes dramatically, but some of us are on very controlled diets, given to us by medical proffessionals and it is necessary to supliment these diets with vitims, minerals and plant extracts. I am about to have radical surgery, at Charring Cross hospital, and it is THE HOSPITAL that advises me that it will require me to take suplliments for the rest of my life. This basic right cannot be taken away form us. Get rid og GM products instead and perhaps we will eat food that offers more food value and does not taste like bath water.

    #168 - Report Abuse Raj Baruah - 2010-05-04 18:36:59
    United Kingdom

    #167 - Report Abuse Abiola Adesina - 2010-05-04 17:43:05
    United Kingdom

    I believe, as a free person living in a free society we should all have the right to choose. I resent anyone trying to take away that right. I have used natural remedies and found them to be more effective than those produced by large pharmaceutical companies, who do not care about the well-being of the individual. Private practitioners do and what's more their treatment work towards ceasing your ailments, not just keeping them at bay so you are continually on medication.Abi

    #166 - Report Abuse Hazel Cogzell - 2010-05-04 17:30:15
    United Kingdom

    I take a supplement for macular degeneration which was stated in the press as a cure for a person suffering from this condition. I would be devastated if I could not continue with this item.

    #165 - Report Abuse james harrigan - 2010-05-04 17:27:11
    United Kingdom

    #164 - Report Abuse Angela Atkinson - 2010-05-04 17:08:37
    United Kingdom

    #163 - Report Abuse Mr P J R Clarke - 2010-05-04 17:05:36
    United Kingdom

    This is another subversive action by a government who have betrayed the people of the UK . They are elected to represent the people and act in our interests. These directives whether from the EU or not are contrary to the health and wellness of the people of the UK . Where is our democratic right ? Our principal rights of free choice and liberty have been eroded and the government has proved itself to be actively seeking to destroy the fabric pf our society by taking away our health , our freedom , and the essence of the British way of life which has stood for independence and freedom of speech for all!! We must prevent the phamaceutical industry from taking natural remedies away from the nations of Europe. Lets us take time to stand together and stand against the tyrants who are trying to take away our health and our rights. yours sincerely PJ Clarke

    #162 - Report Abuse Vivienne Bellingham - 2010-05-04 16:48:51
    United Kingdom

    allopathic medicine works against the overall health of the body and greatly lowers the level of health. Natural medicines stimulate the body to heal itself. I believe vaccinations will turn out to be the crime of the century

    #161 - Report Abuse Catherine Hill - 2010-05-04 16:45:49
    United Kingdom