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United Kingdom
Whats the problem, I dont see any whatsoever. Its called free choice. WHEN you give people on this planet a TRUE cure for ailments like Cancer....then you have a right to say your chemical products are better than Herbals etc. so on this issue alone, I can in all honesty say, that all you are bothered about is making money...AGAIN...and...AGAIN...and ...AGAIN. Thats what ths is all about, and most of us now know it for sure.
United Kingdom
It is absolutely scandalous that the EU want to take away products that we all rely on. Can the Health Service afford to supply everyone with medicine to replace the products we now buy ourselves, I think not.
United Kingdom
Personally, I dont really use this type of product, BUT I would like it to be MY choice not some Plutocrat in brussels, thanks very much!
United Kingdom
People have the right to make their own health care choices no matter what paradigm they choose. Imagine putting restrictions on the right to choose conventional healthcare . That would be a gross infringment of human rights. The same holds true for any attempt to put restrictions on the right to choose natural healthcare. Putting restrictions on natural healthcare would be suidical to human health.
United Kingdom
I found this company through a purchase of molasses. Since then one of my beloved dogs has been diagnosed with Mast Cell Tumours in the lungs and one leg. The vets have said there is no cure and were just waiting for the tumours to spread. This was in December 2008. I immediately put her on Zara's Herbal Tea and had 3-4 monthly checks (xrays) to follow the problems. I have a letter written by the attending vet stating that not only has the cancer not spread but is being condensed and so far contained. As she is 11 years old I also give her Willow as she now has athritis as well. You would not believe she was in ill health if you saw her thanks to the use of natural healing alternative supplements. I also take Willow as I also have arthritic knees and scar tissue from the removal of one kidney and without it I find it very difficult to walk and suffer gripping pains in my side, but with it no problems. I am aware of the trials taking place re the use of the synthesised compounds in Willow as a cancer cure but as the natural ingredients cannot be "patented" it was only logical that the pharacuitacal companies would try to remove all competition no mater how small. As far as Zara;s is concerned, what is wrong with it being labled a medicine and allowing the sale as has always been the case with herbal, homeopathic and chinese medicine. Only herbal appears to be targeted at the moment. "Big Business does not always mean better" Remember this. The Cancer Trust finds more cures than government and this is a Charity funded by donations. Will the EU close this down? Personally I would prefer them to patent all of their discoveries and let the rest of the world pay to be treated as per the EU rules. Ooops, they are not a large private, PLC, company with access to the ears of the EU commissioners who have not had their accounts audited for the last 15 years. WHY ARE WE TAKING ORDERS FROM UNELECTED DICTATORS THAT LISTEN TO VESTED INTERESTS. It is now time to have a second revolution in Britain. Not a bloody one but one such as those that happen within our "EU CLUB" if the population does not like the new law they march and bring the country to a stop util the government listens. Our problem is that the government signs up to directives and and then adds to them without relising what they have done. Don't you just love the self serving MP's we elect? Regards Terry Wallis
United Kingdom
Please sign this. I noticed in Boots this afternoon the alternatives were dwindling already. Its been a threat for years, but no huge taxes can be made and the pharmaceutical companies, well......................................