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United Kingdom
Please don't allow this EU ban on vitamins and supplements, they are a great help physically to me and many others.
United Kingdom
Nutrition is all important now that foods are lacking most of the minerals and trace elements which were present 60 years ago
United Kingdom
Interfering with nature and our right to natural health is incompatible with all policies to save the planet, fight global warming, reduce carbon emmisions etc. We know that this is not about protecting public health. It is about ruthless control and the pursuit of profit.
United Kingdom
Keep your hands off our rights to decide on what is good for us, not the large uncontrolled medical companies who want to promote only their products and be able to charge whatever they think is right,and control the EU and USA drug administrations to do their bidding.
United Kingdom
No government should be allowed to choose what I eat, consume or even sale. Prohibition didn't work because it was not wanted. Regulation of supplements, milk, foods, water etc is NOT WANTED and only aids big pharma. Your children and grandchildren will suffer if you all this to happen
United Kingdom
I think that as we are supposed to be living in a democracy we should have the right to choose what we consider to be the most appropriate form of treatment for ourselves and our family. The European Union is becoming like a nanny state in telling us what to do. If you, the power brokers, consider vitamins, etc. to be so dangerous then how come you do not have an outright ban on cigarette smoking which is responsible for many more deaths and alcoholic drinks which cause inunumerable harm to people and their wider families. Unless, of course, there is an ulterior motive! If there is not ulterior motive then I fail to see why the people in power seem so hell bent on denying the individual their freedom of choice.
United Kingdom
I have faith that the efforts of the many well intentioned people here will be heard by the well intentioned people that currently serve to govern for them. I have hope that efforts to eradicate proven effective [natural] substances will not be lost in our efforts to support a drive to create chemical dependencies under any mislead guise. I have expectant trust that our leaders will see past the corporate dollars and vested interests behind the vile campaign to discredit historically proven natural substances solely for opportunistic profits.
United Kingdom
Every man woman and child is entitled to freedom on this planet. Freedom of choice is part of that and that encompases freedom to select the healthcare and nutrition options of their choosing.
United Kingdom
I feel very strongly that we should be allowed freedom to have the choice between pharmaceutical and natural supplements. If this freedom to choose is removed it will be a very sad day for a great many people. I strongly object.