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117355 Results
    #115204 - Report Abuse Zoe Waller - 2012-08-09 01:03:13

    As an avid believer that nature is an integral part of our lives I despair in the thought that many soulful people may be 'burnt at the stake' in the future for trying to help sick people.

    We have evolved to where we are through our relationship with nature. We will progress no further by the greed of humanity. It scares me to think may be one day we will no longer be able to buy seeds to grow our own food!!!

    This must be stopped. Whatever will happen next? Mother Nature help us all!

    #115203 - Report Abuse carol john - 2012-08-08 21:05:21
    United Kingdom

    to help end cancer

    #115202 - Report Abuse Angela Wright - 2012-08-08 16:33:43
    United Kingdom

    Foods should not be in the control of a few, to genetically modify or use dangerous chemicals on. We must not be controlled by these people especially when it puts our health at risk. We must be allowed to know where our food comes from and how it is produced every step from growing crops till it reaches our plates.
    We need the knowledge so we can refuse to buy iy if it does not meet our ethical standards. I do not trust governments not pharmaceutical companies. They are interested in profits rather than individual's health.

    #115201 - Report Abuse bangonit - 2012-08-08 16:23:49
    United Kingdom

    #115200 - Report Abuse michael leighton-trew - 2012-08-08 16:10:57
    United Kingdom

    #115199 - Report Abuse Neil Moyse - 2012-08-08 16:02:55
    United Kingdom

    because though we stand under the mighty and overwhelming shadow of Babylon, we stand united by love, for this land, our children and the future of humanity

    #115197 - Report Abuse joshua leighton-trew - 2012-08-08 15:06:13
    United Kingdom

    very good cause, tired of the element of control trying to be enforced. the world is all of ours and decisions are being made for us without our consent.

    #115196 - Report Abuse jan odishow - 2012-08-08 14:52:11
    United Kingdom

    #115195 - Report Abuse Michael Elias - 2012-08-08 10:23:06
    United Kingdom

    I do not want to be dictated to by Big Pharma

    #115194 - Report Abuse lydia - 2012-08-08 09:35:12
    United Kingdom

    I am signing because I like everyone else have a right to good health.