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117355 Results
    #116007 - Report Abuse fearghal maclochlainn - 2013-03-23 08:06:32
    United Kingdom

    These LAWS threatens OUR Human Rights

    #116006 - Report Abuse Patricia Ricci - 2013-03-23 02:36:10

    #116005 - Report Abuse Laura Attwood - 2013-03-23 00:39:54
    United Kingdom

    It is my basic human right to be provided with water that is not contaminated by toxic waste and poison. I am saying NO to Fluoride being added to water.

    #116004 - Report Abuse Dawn Holliday - 2013-03-23 00:35:35
    United Kingdom

    Its a crime against humanity to outlaw natural healing products NATURE provides us with and to in turn poison the food and water YOU provide us with. I know whos got my back.. This is for all citizens of humanity, past, present and future.

    #116003 - Report Abuse Rebekah Steele - 2013-03-22 22:48:07
    United Kingdom

    It is my basic human right to be provided with water that is not contaminated by toxic waste and poisin.

    #116002 - Report Abuse Sophie Payne - 2013-03-19 13:03:55
    United Kingdom

    #116001 - Report Abuse hannah marie brook - 2013-03-19 11:21:52
    United Kingdom

    I am signing because my profession is holistic therapist and i work with essential oils and advise alternative herbal remedies for health issues that through case studies have more that proven them-selfs to work, for example hawthorn for high blood pressure. I feel that to deny people the choice to an alternative natural way to deal with health problems is wrong and against our human wrights.

    #116000 - Report Abuse Corinne Kirby - 2013-03-15 12:02:07
    United Kingdom

    To protect our rights and freedom to choose

    #115999 - Report Abuse Janey Pergande - 2013-03-15 05:30:20
    United Kingdom

    I do not like the herd mentality that forces us into the medical model, gets parents to vaccinate their children for everything going without even questioning things. I do belive there is a lot of corruption from pharmaceutical giants and shudder at the thought of natural remedies dying out and corporate global slavery reigning. People do indeed need to wake up!

    #115998 - Report Abuse Fco. Javier Hdez. - 2013-03-14 21:03:39