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    #115997 - Report Abuse Dennis - 2013-03-14 12:29:40

    Signing as i have and everyone has a right to freedom. To live in harmony with nature. I also love and rely on organic food. I see how the world should be and send love out to everyone and everything. Peace and love to you all.

    #115996 - Report Abuse Oscar - 2013-03-13 03:28:33
    United States

    Soy Naturista, y se perfectamente que hay, un complot para prohibir los productos naturales, porque afectan los intereses de las companias farmaceurticas, y necesitamos hacer conciencia,del dano que ocacionan, las drogas farmaceuticas, en la salud de la humanidad.

    #115995 - Report Abuse Joe Kivlehan - 2013-03-13 01:37:40

    So that life on earth can survive and with the right help to thrive.

    #115994 - Report Abuse Donna Armstrong - 2013-03-12 14:37:52

    Agree that natural sources of plant and herb nutrients grown on good soil and made available to the people is a RIGHT of every human being as is education and the right to experiment on their own bodies and exchange information.

    #115993 - Report Abuse Eduardo - 2013-03-12 11:42:49

    #115992 - Report Abuse hugo vega - 2013-03-12 08:11:18

    because banning alternative methods that have worked in bennefith of thousands in the past is against hummanity, and is in behalf of a few only to make money and to keep the old ways system working as always, stepping over the people and proffiting from it

    #115991 - Report Abuse ansia vallarta - 2013-03-12 05:18:33

    #115990 - Report Abuse mar castillejo galindo - 2013-03-11 21:31:17

    #115989 - Report Abuse Pamela Cohen - 2013-03-11 20:53:35
    United States

    I support individual human freedoms of choosing what we eat, our natural rights to grow food, decide what goes into our bodies and our families, and when informed of negligent or sinister intent of corporation or governments, act to nullify it. I also support punishment of the people who created this bill, as the mal-intent is transparent.

    #115987 - Report Abuse Emmy - 2013-03-11 17:42:21
    United Kingdom

    We evolved alongside nature... so its only natural that it can provide us with good health, and heal. Stop taking our human rights.